


Design Nuovo’s design philosophy is client driven.   We seek to understand your needs and your taste; interpreting your style into a home worth living.  We create unique and timeless interiors that respond to your lifestyle, delivering a home you’ll love for years to come. We understand that a home is much more than a house. Our designs are not only aesthetically beautiful but practical for better living.


TIMELESS       |        FUNCTIONAL        |        BEYOND AESTHETICS




Fredo Valladares  Is an Architect, Interior Designer, Fine Artist and Educator. He is the president of Design Nuovo, Inc. and has extensive international background including an architectural degree in Venezuela, set design in Germany and interior design in Italy. Fluent in five languages, Fredo has both residential and commercial experience worldwide. He is the winner of the prestigious ASID’s Signet Award and the Florida Style Competition award for furniture design. He also received the Designer of the Year award in residential design from the Interior Design Guild. Author of numerous articles on interior design, Fredo is the host of the famous design TV show “Detalles” broadcasted by MGM Latin America Networks in fourteen countries. 

Fredo has also been an instructor of continuous education for architects and interior designers for the last ten years. He teaches domestically and internationally, with study tours to Italy, Mexico, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Peru and Ecuador.

Fredo Valladares es un Arquitecto,  Diseñador de Interiores licenciado, Artista Plástico y Educador. Tiene una amplia formación internacional incluyendo un titulo de arquitecto en Venezuela, una maestria en Escenografia en Dusseldorf, Alemania y una en Diseño Interior en Florencia, Italia. Fredo habla cinco idiomas y tiene experiencia en diseño residencial y comercial en varios países del mundo. Ha sido galardonado con prestigiosos premios de asociaciones como ASID, IDG y Florida Furniture Manufacturer’s Association. Autor de numerosos artículos sobre diseño Fredo es el presentador de la serie de televisión “Detalles” transmitido por MGM Latinoamérica en catorce países hispanos, España y Brasil.

Fredo también ha sido instructor de educación continua para arquitectos y diseñadores impartiendo cursos por los últimos diez años. Sus cursos son tanto domésticos como internacionales, con viajes de estudio a Italia, Méjico, España, Grecia, Turquía, Ecuador y Perú, entre otros.


  • American Society of Interior Design (ASID) - Signet Award

        Residential Award - 1st Place  


  • Interior Design Guild Foundation (IDGF) - Designer Of The Year


  • Florida Association of Furniture Manufacturers - Florida Style Furniture Design Award

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